Victor H.
January 5th, 2024
Have you ever had a crush on someone and you were just waiting for the “right time” to ask them out? Depending on how lucky you are, you may have asked at just the right moment. Unfortunately, some people wait too long, causing them to miss out on something good. The same applies to waiting too long to take your vehicle to an auto auction.
Light System | Auto Auction Light System | Auto Auction Tips
Victor H.
December 29th, 2023
Have you ever worn a shirt with holes in it? A shirt with holes isn’t bad, because it still does its job of covering your body. There are just a few spots that aren’t covered. This is similar to a vehicle running under a red light.
Write about a sentence or two explaining the value of this offer and what the user will get by subscribing.
Light System | Auto Auction Light System | Auto Auction Tips
Victor H.
December 29th, 2023
Have you ever had a Hot-N-Ready pizza from Little Caesars? It’s a pizza that is freshly made and kept warm for customers to buy on the spot. This is similar to green light vehicles being sold at an auto auction.
Auto Auction Tips | Benefits of Buying at a STX Auto Auction
Victor H.
December 28th, 2023
Si tuvieras que elegir entre comer una comida de McDonald's o una comida hecha por tu abuela, ¿cuál elegirías? La mayoría de la gente elegiría la comida de su abuela porque nadie cocina tan rico como ella. Un restaurante de renombre no puede aplicar el mismo amor y tiempo a su comida como lo hace tu abuela. Lo mismo puede decirse de las subastas de automóviles del sur de Texas.
Light System | Auto Auction Light System | Auto Auction Tips
Victor H.
December 22nd, 2023
Have you ever bought something from a garage sale? Normally, what you see is what you get and all sales are final. This is similar to buying a red light vehicle from an auto auction.
Victor H.
December 15th, 2023
¿Alguna vez ha visto las noticias para ver el clima de la semana? Los meteorólogos estudian la historia meteorológica reciente para predecir el clima de la semana. Los concesionarios de subastas de automóviles hacen lo mismo cuando se trata de predecir cómo se desempeñarán las subastas de automóviles.
Victor H.
November 27th, 2023
Have you ever watched the news channel to check the weather? Meteorologists study recent weather patterns and use forecasting tools to predict the weather for the week. Auto auction dealers are the same way when it comes to predicting how auto auctions will perform.
Victor H.
November 20th, 2023
Have you ever accomplished a personal goal, like losing weight or gaining muscle? Something like that doesn’t just happen out of nowhere. You need to follow a proper diet, workout plan, and other aspects to ensure your goal has a positive outcome. The same goes for attending your first auto auction.
Victor H.
November 8th, 2023
When you go to the grocery store to buy milk, do you check the expiration date? A majority of people do, to determine the freshness of the milk. If the milk being sold expires 2 weeks later, it’s more likely to sell than the milk that expires the next day. The same logic applies to auto dealers looking to sell vehicles.
Pros and Cons of Buying at BVAA | Auto Auction Tips
Victor H.
November 2nd, 2023
“And this showcase can be yours if the price is right”. These words were made famous by the TV game show, “The Price is Right”. If you’ve seen the show, you know that players bid on prizes, with the closest bid to the actual prize being the winner. The same scenario occurs at auto auctions. However, the bidding is not always as enthusiastic as the TV show.